I started out trying a cabled sock pattern, got about 4 inches in, hated it, and rippppped. Next I tried the ever popular Jaywalker pattern, and got all the way down the leg before I noticed an error halfway down. I can live with the error, but not with the fact that it won't go easily over my heel. Ripppppp. Then I tried a lacy pattern from Sock Bug. (Lots of really fabulous patterns. Go look, I'll wait.) I got to the heel flap on that one before ripping. The varigation just completely obscured the lace work. Frustration abounds. Rippppp. What's a girl to do? I'm getting a little upset at this point. I'm going to get myself laughed out of the NASCAR Knit-along at this rate!
Enter the Wee Tiny sock swap over at Yarn Miracle! Finally, something I can finish without worrying about fit or complicated lace charts, etc. I grabbed my freshly ripped yarn and cast on a mere 24 stitches. I was finished in two hours, with absolutely no ripping, and now it's ready to go out tomorrow!
As a bonus, it's helped me realize that the best pattern for this yarn is simple stockinette.