Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Fair is a Veritable Smorgasboard!

Greetings from the Tulsa State Fair!

Let's start off our tour with a mermaid the Short One and I created in the largest sand box I have ever seen! Yes, she was destroyed seconds after this picture was snapped by what had to be a kid's size 8 tennis shoe to the tail.
After our mermaid was destroyed, S.O. decided to try her hand at a much smaller castle. All hail the sand castle mold!

Next we took a ride in a gondola over the Midway. She was all happy and enjoying the ride till I told her to look down.

A slightly blurry pic of the Midway courtesy of hubby's cell phone. But I digress. You came for knitting content, no? Well, I entered three things in the fair. Without further ado, here's how it turned out!
Here's a baby set I threw together at the last moment. Yes, the ugly yellow thing. Red ribbon!

Not knitted, but crocheted, my little star baby blankie also got a red ribbon. On to my shawl.

Sigh. Another red ribbon, but placed next to best in show. There's always next year, right?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Am I the only knitter

who doesn't have a skein of Socks That Rock????

Friday, May 05, 2006

Sick Day

The Short One didn't like lunch yesterday at school, so she threw up(I don't blame her, the stuff looked quite nasty.) So home we went. Since our school has a 24 hour policy, we're home today, too.
Do I look sick to you? Let's go watch noggin, already!

Soooo, thanks to the Short One, I was home today when the postman was stuffing the mailboxes. As I walked up, he told me he brought me the package I had asked for. Yay! Sockapaloooza mail!

My sockpal was Trina (who is blogless), and lives in New Haven, CT. In leiu of a postcard she made me a very sweet card with a picture of her and her son Liam (what a cutie!!!!). She also sent a very nice journal. And The Socks!!!! The socks are made of KnitPicks sock garden in geranium and the pattern is that ever popular embossed leaves pattern. So pretty and soft and a perfect fit! Thank you so much Trina!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Sock yarn that wasn't quite right for my sock pal: 16.00
Two Skeins of Knitpicks Dye-Your-Own Sock Yarn: 8.00
Two sets of food coloring:6.50
A pair hand dyed socks with yarn left over: Priceless
  Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 01, 2006

Racing to the finish

One sock down, one third of a sock to go. I have have HAVE to get these done on time! Last time I finished on time, but worried the recipient would hate it, and wound up sending them off very very late. What do you think? Do they look okay?
I hope so, cause it's wayyyy to late to start over now! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dye, Baby, Dye

So, my friends, I've been busy. Too busy to post. Gave up buying yarn for Lent. (Crazy, I know) Also, I signed up for Sockapalooza. Again, crazy I know. I had no yarn suitable for my pal. I tried to buy some yarn off etsy, but it didn't seem right for her. Sooooo, I got my hands on some Knitpicks Dye-Your-Own and decided to try my hand at dying again. Shock of all shocks, I actually took pictures! I even cleaned the counter for the event!

Step 1: Gather supplies. For today's foray into dying we have a plastic mixing bowl, Knitpicks Dye-Your-Own (two skeins in case I utterly screw up the first), regular and neon food coloring, three glasses, and my giant jug of white vinegar. Please note how clean my counter is, Mom.

Step 2: Soak the skein in some tepid water. Looks like watery sketti, no?

Step 3: Mix the dyes. I have picked red, purple, and green for this run. Not sure what I'm hoping to get other than non-pastel. The pal isn't into pastels.

Step 4: Divide the skein up. I'm not even gonna comment on what this looks like. I want longish color repeats, but not really striping.

Step 5: Time for a dip. I'm afraid of muddying up the colors, so I put the glasses in the bowl, then a section of the yarn in each glass. I add more food coloring cause I'm worried about getting pastels. I covered the whole thing in plastic wrap, then zap it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. I added food coloring and rezapped several times, then finally went to bed while the stuff cooled.
Step 6: Drag yourself out of bed the next morning, turn on the coffee pot, and drag the yarn out of it's dyebath. Ingore strange looks from husband. (Shouldn't he be used to this kind of stuff by now?) Rinse yarn in cool water, take it out to balcony to dry. Congratulate yourself on not screwing up and goad yourself to hurry up, find a pattern, and get to knitting. You have less than two weeks left!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Finished Jaywalkers!!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Jaywalker Update

(or Why You Should Always Swatch)

Okay, camera's working again (Thanks, Mom!). I was happily chugging along on my sock (on size 0 dpns). Very nice with my kitty pj pants. Looked kinda biggish though. Maybe I should try this puppy on..............................


No No No No NO! Wayyy too small. So I took a deep breath, took out the ballwinder and ripped before I could change my mind. Then I got out the size 2's and stayed up into the wee hours of the morning and now I have this:

This is a very fast pattern with just enough interest to keep me coming back. Well, that and

Cara's deadline.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Okay, since my camera is not wanting to work with me here, I shall have to describe what I wanted to show. Try to picture about half an inch of k2 p2 ribbing in a really cool red striping regia on dark purple size 0 double points next to a nice big ball of remaining sock yarn. I have finally gotten a good start on my Jaywalkers. I fought with my camera for a good hour and a half, feeding it freshly charged batteries, cleaning it's usb cord connections, begging and pleading for it to just let me transfer one or two measly photos, but alas, the camera is being greedy tonight. Now I'm sitting in McDonalds, watching the short one play on the "playpark', and praying this will be enough of a post to count for the Jaywalker knitalong. Easyshare, my foot! (Pun not intended)

Friday, January 06, 2006

As requested by JenLa, my ugly avatar:

I promise I'm working on knitting, but i'm having issues getting pictures on here. The other day I went to attach my camera cord to the usb port and found that it didn't fit. Turns out the last time I used my camera with the computer, someone else ripped the cord out of the laptop and took the little plastic thingy that protects the pins in the port with it. *Sigh*