Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I know I have this rotten tendency to disappear once in a while, but I can assure all of you that I have been busy working for a special day camp and knitting on the bus as we take our campers all over town. Want proof?
Ta Da! I have finished my first sockapalooza sock! I'm using the campfire socks pattern from Cider Moon with a few alterations, of course. I decided to continue the rib pattern down the heel, and I decreased a couple stitches more than what I picked up to make them fit better. I am extremely pleased at how this sock turned out, but I am a wee bit worried I won't have enough for the second sock. See?

I started the second sock last night so I wouldn't have to try to start it on the bus, but little further progress has been made because the bus that was supposed to take us on today's outing broke down. If I don't fall asleep right after dinner, I'm hopefully going to at least get the ribbing done. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

What pretty colors! Whenever I take a bus I also knit, but I've never seen anyone else doing it. Your socks are done, by the way :), check your e-mail!
-Your Sockapalooza4 Pal

Anonymous said...

I love the colours.

Lost City Denise said...

Hey Gal - It was good to see you at the farmer's market this morning!
Thanks for telling me about your knit blog

sheep#100 said...

Pretty socks. My email should reach you this way. Reply and I can send you a file.

Bonne Marie said...

Hee! I had to laugh reading your post -- I ALWAYS avoid starting anything on the bus!

Those socks look GREAT!

Steffaroni said...

I love the colors in these socks. This is Steff, from DishRagTag team, just saying hello and seeing what everyone likes to knit/blog, etc.

Roobeedoo said...

Those are very happy-looking socks! I would sit next to you in the bus to have a closer look!
Thanks for your comment on my rainbow socks!